MARCH MONTHLY ENCOURAGEMENT I’ve only seen a glimpse All I’ve had are moments It’s enough, oh, it’s enough I can’t see it all But the mystery is holy And I know, there is so much more than this And I’ve only seen a glimpse I’ve only seen a glimpse
- Glimpse by Hannah Kerr
I’ve only seen a glimpse / All I’ve had are moments / It’s enough, oh, it’s enough
How often do we find ourselves searching for sure ground to hold onto, trying to calculate and measure everything to logically add up?
I’m going to relate this to movies and shows. There have been so many shows and movies released in the past years that are either highly an- ticipated or sadly disregarded because of their trailers. Think for a moment. Which movie had a trailer that made you so excited for the movie? Was it a Marvel film? A Universal film? Or maybe something on Netflix? Either way, when the trailer is exciting, there’s a high chance you’d get excited for the rest of the film. Now think about your life. We don’t get trailers to our lives, but the past years you’ve been alive are like the opening scenes to your life’s movie. Does it make you excited to know that there’s more in store for you?
“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9 NIV
I once heard someone say that “if God could make sense or could fit in your mind, He wouldn’t be much of a God would He?” This reminded me that we will not always know everything or understand everything. But knowing God should be enough. Walking in faith will not always logically add up. Sometimes all we can hold onto are glimpses of His promises and what He’s done so far. And sometimes, that’s enough. To already know Him and that He is good and faithful, that should keep us going and believing.
I can’t see it all / But the mystery is holy / And I know, there is so much more than this / And I’ve only seen a glimpse / I’ve only seen a glimpse
My encouragement for you this month is to hold onto hope and keep going. Know when to rest, know when to pause, but don’t give up. It doesn’t always make sense, and sometimes it’s harder than it seems, but this is not the end, and God is not done with you. To those aiming for higher goals as this school year ends, do your best and let God do the rest. Trust Him and know that He is for you. Just like trailers and movies, the trailer only offers a glimpse, and even watching the movie doesn’t ensure you know how it will end. Have faith.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
For the rest of this month and this year, hold onto the hope that God knows best. He is perfect and He doesn’t sleep. He watches over you and loves you. He wants you to live the best, purposeful life you can live, and sometimes it comes in unexpected ways. So keep your hearts aligned to His, your spirit to His presence, and your life in step with His Word. There is more to come. You’ve only seen a glimpse.