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“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” Theodore Roosevelt.


Life has various struggles and challenges but they only come for a season. There is always a beginning and an end. In whatever state you are right now, simply do what you can with the resources you have and inspire the people where you’re at. Keep moving forward... let go and let God! That is the only way to be hopeful and be excited for the future!


As part of the Precious belief that education is achieved through holistic formation... we created this monthly encouragement segment because we DESIRE to INSPIRE!




Proverbs 3:5-6 CEB “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; don’t rely on your own intelligence. Know Him in all your paths, and He will keep your ways straight.


February is known to be “love month” but there’s a lot more to love than chocolates and special dinners. One way we show our love to God and others is by trusting them. Based on our verse for this month, truly knowing God’s love for us and loving Him in return results to trust, and this kind of trust leads to surrendering our own understanding or intelligence so that He can lead us onto the best paths for life!

Wisdom Wednesdays

In line with our vision and mission, this new program from the GCTC is here to enlighten, encourage, and empower the entire PISD family and community. We hope to inspire you by bringing messages of wisdom and hope to your screens. Since you are precious to God, and therefore precious to us, we believe that building each other up in this life is a must. 


2024 © PRECIOUS INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF DAVAO    •    Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from Him. PSALM 127:3

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